The Most Prestigious Hallmarked Silver Fox Figurine Awards and Ornaments
Fox figure presentation awards
Our hand-crafted sterling silver foxes make excellent, high quality trophies when mounted on one of our mahogany or walnut plinths. We have plinths suitable for every size of fox, from our medium prowling fox with the silver base, up to our very large stalking fox, 48cm in length.
Our large fox looks very impressive on a plinth. The plinth is solid wood and carries a hallmarked silver engraving plate.
Personalised engraving on silver plates
We provide either sterling silver or silver-plate plaques and offer an engraving service so that all of your requirements are met under our one roof.
Our silver fox trophies are most commonly bought to celebrate a love of the countryside or to mark a special status or achievement in countryside pursuits.
British Foxes and country life
Foxes have been an important part of British heritage and culture, with fox hunting being a very popular pastime for centuries. Fox hunting is now considered illegal and has been replaced to a large extent by drag hunting. Drag hunting is an alternative to the chase of a fox. It was created in 1800s and involves an artificial scent being dragged or laid down over a countryside route. The fox hounds would then be released to follow this non-animal scent.
Despite this change to the sport the fox still remains an important symbol of the country lifestyle and is still a strong choice of silver animal figurine for the country home, either as a fox centre piece for a table setting or mantle piece, or nestled into a country house library.
Silver Fox birthday gifts
Our silver fox trophies are not just reserved for those who enjoy the country life. They are often purchased to mark a special birthday, most especially to mark a 50th or 60th birthday, playing upon the adage of an old silver fox.
Fox figure business presentation
Our silver fox trophies have a certain elegance and grace and feel at home in a modern city office environment. A fox is always connected to a certain degree of cunning and wiliness making him an excellent choice for a trophy celebrating success in the workplace.
English Country animal figurines and statues
If a silver fox trophy is not quite what you are looking for we also offer stags, pheasants and grouse trophies. In fact you can choose any of our silver animal ornaments to be presented on a plinth with an engraving plaque!
We are here to help
If you would like any more information about our silver fox figurines, plinths and plaques please do call us on 07725 465339. We are always happy to help.
All of our silver animal figurines are handcrafted and made to order by time-served silversmith. Delivery within the UK is free of charge.